Looking to refine your business’ digital strategy and ensure your IT services are set up for success? Partnering with a trusted external firm can be one of the best ways to alleviate internal strain and get your digital practices up to speed. At Solūt, there’s nothing we love more than partnering with Canadian companies to make sure you have the strongest foundation for support, proactive strategy and backup plans in place should disaster strike. 

Below, we’ll take a look at 5 of the top questions to ask a potential IT partner, as well as the benefits of partnering with Solūt. Read on to learn more!

What is Your Expertise and Experience?

Before you commit to partnering with an external IT provider, it’s crucial to verify their experience, as well as what areas (if any) they specialize in. Every business has unique IT needs, and ensuring your provider is able to customize to your requirements is essential for success. A provider with experience in your sector will likely have a better understanding of your unique IT requirements and challenges, enabling them to provide solutions that put you ahead of the curve rather than struggling to play catch up. 

How Do You Ensure Data Security and Compliance?

Data breaches and cyberattacks are ever-present threats in the digital age, with both holding the potential to significantly damage your reputation and your bottom line. The right IT provider will put security and compliance first, and conduct a thorough audit to find any gaps that need to be filled to give you the best preventative strategy. You should also inquire as to how they stay updated with the latest security threats and ensure compliance with relevant regulations for their business. 

What is Your Response Time for Technical Support?

The last thing you need when problems arise is to be stuck waiting for help. Ask your IT provider about their response time for technical support requests, as well as their ticketing process, triage scale, and what “urgent necessity” assistance is available for major issues. A reliable IT provider should offer various channels for support, such as phone, email, and an online help desk, and provide a clear service-level agreement (SLA) that outlines their guaranteed response and resolution times.

Can You Scale IT Services as Our Business Grows?

If you’re in a growth phase, it’s integral to find a provider that can scale their IT offerings alongside your business. Ask about their scalability options and flexibility to adapt to your expanding technology needs, as well as for examples of how they’ve partnered with businesses in similar positions. Experienced providers will know how to tailor (as mentioned above), and will incorporate your future plans and projections into your current services so you’re never left hanging. 

What Is Your Disaster Recovery Plan?

Finally, the unfortunate reality of working in a digital world is that hiccups and disasters will occur. To avoid further headaches, you need to ensure your IT partner has a robust recovery plan to handle hardware failures, weather-caused outages, cyber incidents and the many other issues that can arise at any moment. Inquire about your IT provider’s disaster recovery strategy, including how they back up data, restore systems, and maintain operational continuity during disruptions.

Managed IT Solutions with Solūt 

At Solūt, we believe that handling your IT needs shouldn’t be a hassle. We know that staying on top of evolving IT practices and software can be a challenge for business owners, especially in a market facing aggressive cybercrime threats and other related dangers. For over 20 years, we’ve partnered with businesses in Edmonton and Calgary to ensure you have the support you need to succeed when it matters most. With comprehensive IT services, quick response times, and a dedication to making sure you’re always protected, you can count on us to have you covered!

Contact us today to learn more!